Use "passed him by|pass him by" in a sentence

1. 12 The old grizzled grannies cursed him as he passed them by.

2. 29 The scent and hissing of pine needles make him believe he's in a hospital where nurses pass by him.

3. As we shall see, we can honor him by showing him fear and reverence, by obeying him, by acknowledging him in all our ways, by making gifts, by imitating him, and by making petitions to him.

4. Hence people who began by beholding him ended by perusing him.

5. 24 Hence people who began by beholding him ended by perusing him.

6. Because from him and by him and for him are all things.

7. I was with him when he passed.

8. A ripple of fear passed through him.

9. Use pass By reference when you are changing the parameter passed in by the client program

10. Maybe you brained him for his pass

11. Maybe you brained him for his pass.

12. Pantieri went for him, gripping him by the throat.

13. Get him moving by placing him on his belly .

14. A ripple of fear passed through him

15. He wondered whether it was a hereditary factor, passed down from her father, gained by him through osmosis.

16. (DBY NAS) Matthew 27:39 Those who passed by Blasphemed him, wagging their heads, (WEB) Mark 3:28

17. I passed him on the stairs this morning.

18. Congress passed a resolution Absolving him last fall

19. Another has him tortured to death by having his intestines pulled from him by a windlass.

20. I met him by chance.

21. No call alligator long mouth till you pass him.

22. His mother moved curtly aside to let him pass.

23. Steve Young threw him a 44-yard touchdown pass.

24. Allow him pass off your triumphs as his own.

25. He passed into the house without my noticing him.

26. They saw him pass by, Jaunty and confident in his drainpipe trousers, his long Jacket with velvet cuffs and collar.

27. A look of exasperation passed between him and Florence.

28. Massa trailed him by 8.1 seconds.

29. I dropped by to see him.

30. My handbag was hustled by him.

31. I knew him by name only .

32. She'd got him by the collar.

33. She killed him by a sledgehammer.

34. Can we earn God's favor by worshipping Him or believing in Him?

35. The solicitude shown him by his neighbours after robbery touched him deeply.

36. She is often oppressed by him.

37. She killed him by a hammer.

38. They appeased him by saying sorry.

39. Even Abi's freaked out by him.

40. It was all organized by him.

41. I felt really intimidated by him.

42. I know him only by repute.

43. I was badly treated by him.

44. Men by scores sat around him.

45. Don't degrade yourself by answering him.

46. She's got him by the collar.

47. An example is furnished by him.

48. A priest and temple assistant pass him by before finally a Samaritan (who stereotypically hated Jews) stops to offer his assistance.

49. He'd say those that passed him were bastards... and those that he passed were suckers.

50. Python pass By reference vs pass by value

51. What grace is given me let it pass to him.

52. He felt a small ripple of fear pass through him.

53. + 24 But God resurrected him+ by releasing him from the pangs* of death, because it was not possible for him to be held fast by it.

54. She grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threw him out.

55. 28 The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.

56. By giving him the red flower pot with the Chrysanthemums, she gives him

57. He showed him favor by having a beautiful long coat made for him.

58. 25 By day the darkness fills him with dread; and anguish overpower him.

59. MARK TWAIN, A BIOGRAPHY, 1835-1910, COMPLETE ALBERT BIGELOW PAINE I seized him by the shoulder, forced him under as far as possible, and the enormous Billow passed above our heads

60. When the spasm passed, it left him weak and sweating.

61. 18 The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.

62. Questioned by Annas; trial by Caiaphas, Sanhedrin; Peter denies him

63. 15 I was badly treated by him.

64. And by him we cry , " Abba, Father. "

65. And by him deeds are rightly evaluated.

66. Men by the score sat around him.

67. She grasped him tightly by the wrist.

68. The officer grabbed him by the arm .

69. Instructions were relayed to him by phone.

70. She did not feel intimidated by him.

71. I communicate with him regularly by letter.

72. You can share even your deepest feelings with him by talking to him regularly.

73. The degradation which characterizes the state into which you plunge him by punishing him pleases, Amuses, and delights him

74. 7 They saw him pass by, Jaunty and confident in his drainpipe trousers,( his long Jacket with velvet cuffs and collar.

75. When they are judged by him above.

76. 9 An example is furnished by him.

77. Apprises him of difficulties faced by Pakistanis

78. We usually call him by his nickname.

79. 5 We were put upon by him.

80. You could test him by the almanac.